New 2023 marking guidance for A-level and GCSE science teachers
Published: Tuesday 13 Feb 2024
We're pleased to share that we have new 2023 marking guidance available to support AS/A-level and GCSE science teachers.
You told us that you use AS papers as mocks so, alongside the GCSE marking guidance, we have now produced marking guidance for AS Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
We have also produced marking guidance for A-level Environmental Science papers.
What's available
Here's what's available for GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science: Synergy and Combined Science: Trilogy as well as AS/A-level sciences and A-level Environmental Science:
- Marking guidance for the 2023 exam series (new on Centre Services)
- Feedback on the 2023 exams course materials (available on Centre Services)
New 2023 marking guidance
For the marking guidance, we've developed this resource to help teachers mark their students' mocks if they are using the GCSE science, AS-level science or A-level Environmental Science papers from 2023. The guidance has sample scripts using actual student responses from summer 2023 exams, together with marking guidance and marking commentaries from the examiner training materials.
The guidance is available for:
- AS Biology (Paper 1 and 2)
- AS Chemistry (Paper 1 and 2)
- AS Physics (Paper 1 and 2)
- A-level Environmental Science (Paper 1 and 2)
- GCSE Biology (Paper 1 and 2)
- GCSE Chemistry (Paper 1 and 2)
- GCSE Physics (Paper 1 and 2)
- GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy (Biology Paper 1 and 2; Chemistry Paper 1 and 2; Physics Paper 1 and 2)
- GCSE Combined Science: Synergy (Paper 1, 2, 3 and 4).
To find the 2023 marking guidance, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Centre Services
- Select 'Resources'
- Select 'Assessment and training'
- Choose your subject eg Biology (For Combined Science: Synergy and Combined Science: Trilogy resources, select 'Science')
- Under 'Qualification', tick either 'GCSE' or 'AS and A-level'
- Under 'Resource type', tick 'Teacher support materials'
For anyone logging in to Centre Services for the first time, you'll need to register and the centre admin (usually your exams officer) will approve your access.
Professional development
We realise that time in the classroom is precious, but that as teachers' careers develop, the skills and knowledge needed may change.
We want to make it easier for teachers to access training, so we'll continue to provide all of our pre-scheduled training, free of charge (not including in-school CPD).
Use the 'Find a course' search on our professional development page to see what's on offer for science. We'll be adding more events in the spring and summer terms 2024.
Help and support
Remember, you can find all the information, support and resources you need to deliver our GCSE and A-level science specifications on our qualification pages.
For further support, you can contact us at
Latest news and insight 
- ELC Science: submitting centre-assessed assignments for 2024
- A-level Physics: improving the accessibility of Paper 3A (7408/3A)
- Updated JCQ guidance: use of artificial intelligence in assessments
- New 2023 marking guidance for A-level and GCSE science teachers
- Formulae and equations sheets for exams in 2024