Professional development

A-level Biology Chemistry and Physics: Practical Endorsement

This AQA on-demand course will give expert instruction from our Senior Advice Manager for Practical Sciences on the requirements for A-level Science Practical Endorsement. This course intends to build on the t... This AQA on-demand course will give expert instruction from our Senior Advice Manager for Practical Sciences on the requirements ...

1 event  |  Reference: SCIAOE1

Curriculum Connect: A-level Biology: Guidance and Support for Application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria

Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Biology. Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Bio...

1 event  |  Reference: BIOACT3

Curriculum Connect: A-level Chemistry: Guidance and Support for Application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria

Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Chemistry. Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Che...

1 event  |  Reference: CHEACT3

Curriculum Connect: A-level Physics: Guidance and Support for Application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria

Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Physics. Join our curriculum experts who will share guidance and support for the application of Common Practical Assessment Criteria in Phy...

1 event  |  Reference: PHYACT3

Curriculum Connect: A-level Science: Practical Endorsement - Introduction to the CPAC and how it is assessed

If you're planning on delivering A-level Sciences for the first time or you'd just like a refresher on how to deliver, assess and evidence the CPAC, join the Practical Science Manager and two of our experienced... If you're planning on delivering A-level Sciences for the first time or you'd just like a refresher on how to deliver, assess and ...

1 event  |  Reference: SCIACT3