Professional development

Curriculum Connect: All you ever wanted to know about Grade Boundaries (on demand)

In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of the myths surrounding awarding and grade boundaries. She will look at what happe... In this recorded AQA curriculum connect session, join Elizabeth Pope, AQA Standards and Awarding Manager, as she dispels some of ...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCO1

Curriculum Connect: GCSE Drama: Preparing for NEA marking and moderation

Join our online support session designed to help with timelines, administration and tips for marking and moderating Component 2 as well as helpful information about Component 3. This session aims to support yo... Join our online support session designed to help with timelines, administration and tips for marking and moderating Component 2 a...

1 event  |  Reference: DRAGCT3

Curriculum Connect: GCSE Drama: Q&A/Networking session

Are you a teacher of GCSE Drama? Come along to our Question and Answer session where you will be able to have all your questions answered, hear the latest updates, get tips from our curriculum experts and netwo... Are you a teacher of GCSE Drama? Come along to our Question and Answer session where you will be able to have all your questions a...

1 event  |  Reference: DRAGCT4

Curriculum Connect: Ofqual regulations and why we do (most) things the way we do

Join this session to increase your understanding of how Ofqual's rules are translated into the experiences you have when engaging with AQA, including specification development and accreditation, assessment dev... Join this session to increase your understanding of how Ofqual's rules are translated into the experiences you have when engaging...

1 event  |  Reference: AQAXCT3

GCSE Drama: Getting Started

This course is designed to help teachers familiarise themselves with delivering the AQA GCSE Drama specification and its assessment requirements. This course is designed to help teachers familiarise themselves with delivering the AQA GCSE Drama specification and its assessme...

1 event  |  Reference: DRAGOE1

GCSE Drama: NEA Planning (Component 2) (on-demand)

This recorded AQA training course will provide an overview of the NEA requirements and associated mark scheme. We will examine example NEA work to highlight particular skills that can be developed. The course ... This recorded AQA training course will provide an overview of the NEA requirements and associated mark scheme. We will examine ex...

1 event  |  Reference: DRAGNO1

GCSE Drama: NEA Planning (Component 3) (on-demand)

This recorded AQA training course will provide an overview of the NEA requirements and associated mark scheme. We will examine example NEA work to highlight particular skills that can be developed. The course ... This recorded AQA training course will provide an overview of the NEA requirements and associated mark scheme. We will examine ex...

1 event  |  Reference: DRAGNO2

GCSE Drama: Preparing for 2025 (Component 1)

This AQA training course will strengthen teacher confidence in supporting students in preparation for 2025 exams. We will reflect on specific outcomes of summer 24 by examining student responses to identify ar... This AQA training course will strengthen teacher confidence in supporting students in preparation for 2025 exams. We will reflect...

3 events  |  Reference: DRAGZW3