A-level English Language and Literature: AQA Paris anthology
Published: Thursday 11 Jan 2024
We’ve been made aware that the YouTube videos linked to two texts in our AQA Paris anthology (7707/PA) for A-level English Language and Literature are no longer available. These videos are:
- Paris City Guide
- Paris: Fine French Food.
We’ve investigated and unfortunately Lonely Planet have removed this content from their YouTube channel. Whilst we’ve secured copyright permission for the transcript of the video travel guides, this does not extend to the associated video content.
We’ve also found that Lonely Planet are no longer licencing any of their online material, and we have no influence on their decision to remove content from their website or associated platforms. Subsequently, we’ve removed the links from our Anthology: Paris resource.
The removal of the video links will have no adverse impact on how learners are assessed in the exam, and whilst we signposted links to the digital texts where available, and as a resource to support learners in their study of the texts, it’s not essential for them to be able to understand and interpret the texts.
The AQA Paris anthology features a wide range of different text types, including non-fiction and non-literary material, some of which are multi-modal/digital texts. In the exam students are presented with extracts from two texts in the anthology. Students will be assessed on their response to the written text and are not expected to make reference to any associated digital content.
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- A-level English Language and Literature: AQA Paris anthology