Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1collect and set up an electric soldering iron unitSummary sheet
2identify and collect solderSummary sheet
3identify and collect a pair of pliersSummary sheet
4identify and collect a clampSummary sheet
5identify and collect a piece of wire woolSummary sheet
6collect two pieces of material to be solderedSummary sheet
7clean the material with wire woolSummary sheet
8clamp the material ready for solderingSummary sheet
9switch on the soldering ironSummary sheet
10recognise when the soldering iron is hotSummary sheet
11apply the soldering iron to the appropriate areaSummary sheet
12apply the solder with the pliersSummary sheet
13remove soldering iron and solder from the jointSummary sheet
14replace the soldering iron in its standSummary sheet
15remove the soldered material, when cool, from the clampSummary sheet


16working safely in a practical situation.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 8 February 2002Level - Entry Level