Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least two causes of a fire in the homeStudent completed work or summary sheet
2at least two hazards or dangers caused by smoke and flames in a house fireStudent completed work or summary sheet
3at least two reasons why a fire in a house can spread quicklyStudent completed work
4the meaning of the term 'home escape plan' and how to complete oneStudent completed work
5at least two consequences which a house fire can have on people directly involved, e.g. occupants of the house, and two consequences on people indirectly involved, e.g. Fire and Rescue ServicesStudent completed work
6at least two potential psychological problems that can be caused by burn injuriesSummary sheet
7the meaning of the term 'arson' and at least three consequences of itSummary sheet
8at least two aspects of current legislation relating to arsonSummary sheet
9the meaning of the term 'hoax call' and at least two consequences of these calls to the Fire and Rescue ServiceSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

10identify two reasons why it is important to install a smoke detection system in a houseSummary sheet
11identify at least two short term, and at least two long term effects of burn injuriesSummary sheet
12at least three different types of incidents that the Fire and Rescue Service may deal with.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 December 2005Level - Level One