Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1at least two ways in which work may have a positive effect on health, eg social and financial benefitsStudent completed work
2at least two ways in which work may have a negative effect on health, eg boredom, physical injuryStudent completed work
3the meanings of at least two terms related to mental health, eg stress, depressionStudent completed work
4at least two ways in which misusing substances may affect a person's life, eg physical and social effectsStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

5identify at least three aspects of a healthy lifestyle, eg balanced diet, exercise, restStudent completed work
6identify at least three aspects of an unhealthy lifestyle, eg poor diet, substance misuse, lack of sleepStudent completed work
7identify at least one cause of stressStudent completed work
8identify at least one treatment for stressStudent completed work
9identify at least one cause of depressionStudent completed work
10identify at least one treatment for depressionStudent completed work


11participating in a discussion about how to avoid stress and depressionSummary sheet
12participating in a discussion about long and short term consequences when making lifestyle decisions which affect personal healthSummary sheet
13participating in a discussion about how to find relevant information about lifestyle issues, eg Internet, health professionals.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 29 September 2004Level - Entry Level