Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select appropriate personal protective equipment for grassland conservationSummary sheet
2recognise and name at least three tools used in the maintenance of grassland, eg slasher, rake, strimmerSummary sheet
3cut a specified area of grass using appropriate tools, eg reciprocating mower, strimmer, slasher, brush cuttersSummary sheet
4rake the cut grass into windrows and then pilesSummary sheet
5use appropriate tools and method to clear encroaching scrubSummary sheet
6dispose of grass cuttings correctly, eg in an appropriate disposal unitSummary sheet
7recognise the correct tool for a given task in a grassland conservationSummary sheet
8work safely in a practical environmentSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9the correct time of year that the grass should be cut and whySummary sheet
10at least one reason why the cut vegetation needs to be removed from the grasslandSummary sheet
11the role that livestock play in grassland managementSummary sheet
12at least three species of invertebrates which benefit from grassland managementSummary sheet
13at least three species of wildflower or grasses which benefit from grassland management.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 October 2010Level - Entry Level