Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select and wear appropriate personal protective equipment for woodland conservationSummary sheet
2recognise and name at least two tools used in the conservation of woodlandsSummary sheet
3identify a sensible direction to attempt to fell a treeSummary sheet
4plan and clear an escape route for use after felling the treeSummary sheet
5fell a small tree with a bow saw using the correct felling cutsSummary sheet
6remove the branches from a felled treeSummary sheet
7cut the trunk of a felled tree into manageable sizesSummary sheet
8dispose of the cut material correctlySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9at least three common coppice speciesSummary sheet
10at least three different types of woodlandSummary sheet
11at least three reasons why woodland conservation is importantSummary sheet
12at least four woodland productsSummary sheet
13the terminology 'brashing' and 'bird-mouth/beak cut'Summary sheet
14at least three procedures to take to correct problems encountered whilst felling trees, eg hung up trees.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 March 2010Level - Entry Level