Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select appropriate tools and materials for constructing a dry stone wallSummary sheet
2select appropriate personal protective equipment for constructing a dry stone wallSummary sheet
3sort the stones into separate piles according to shape and sizeSummary sheet
4construct the correct foundation for the wallSummary sheet
5construct one square metre of one side of the wall, working in a methodical mannerSummary sheet
6put the coping stones in place on the wallSummary sheet
7leave the work site safe and tidySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8at least two correct manual handling techniquesSummary sheet
9at least two different benefits to wildlife from a dry stone wall and two functions of a dry stone wallSummary sheet


10taking part in a discussion, stating at least two factors important for the safe use of tools and at least two factors concerning health and safety in a practical environment.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 5 February 2010Level - Entry Level