Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1how conception occursSummary sheet
2the use and effectiveness of three methods of contraception in a healthy relationshipStudent completed work
3how the transmission of three types of sexually transmitted infections can be preventedStudent completed work
4the symptoms and treatment of three types of sexually transmitted infectionsStudent completed work
5the legal age for sexual intercourse between a man and a womanStudent completed work
6at least two current laws relating to sexual activityStudent completed work
7where and how contraceptives can be obtained, eg chemist shops, family planning clinicStudent completed work
8the work of an oganisation where advice on relationships and contraception can be obtainedStudent completed work


9taking part in a discussion about some of the myths, issues, attitudes and the law relating to sex, love, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 May 2009Level - Entry Level