Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the definition of the term 'family'Student completed work
2at least three basic needs of children, eg food, shelter, loveStudent completed work
3at least three different types of family, eg nuclear, extended, one-parentStudent completed work
4at least two factors that should be considered when starting a family, eg financial situation, stability of relationship, career securityStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

5describe at least three ways that family life has changed over the last century, eg division of labour by genderStudent completed work
6identify at least two advantages of being a younger parentStudent completed work
7identify at least two disadvantages of being a younger parentStudent completed work
8identify at least two advantages of being an older parentStudent completed work
9identify at least two disadvantages of being an older parentStudent completed work


10taking part in a discussion about family types and roles.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 24 January 2008Level - Entry Level