Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take part in a preliminary briefing session on scuba equipment use and theorySummary sheet
2learn at least five underwater hand signs, eg ok, stop, ascend, descend, problemSummary sheet
3form working groups of three when requested to do soSummary sheet
4prepare scuba equipment for pool session use, with instruction where necessarySummary sheet
5enter the swimming pool safelySummary sheet
6put on scuba equipment safely and as instructed, with assistance where necessarySummary sheet
7take part in a pre-session review of equipment used and hand signalsSummary sheet
8carry out an underwater skill, eg remove and replace regulatorSummary sheet
9use the scuba equipment appropriately in order to perform an underwater lap of the swimming pool, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
10take part in an 'out-of-pool' evaluation sessionSummary sheet
11put forward at least one appropriate suggestion for improving the courseSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12at least three scuba diving health and safety issues, eg not holding breath underwater, equalising ear pressure at regular intervals, checking regulator is in working orderSummary sheet


13taking part in a scuba diving taster session.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 21 January 2004Level - Entry Level