Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least three impacts of body language and non verbal communicationSummary sheet
2communicate views, ideas and information effectively in a group work settingSummary sheet
3respect boundaries within conversation, including turn takingSummary sheet
4use listening and communication skills to negotiate decisions made within activities, eg negotiate break timesSummary sheet
5reflect on and review own communication skills used within activitiesSummary sheet
6use appropriate language when participating in discussion, including asking clarifying questionsSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7three key visual indications that someone is listeningStudent completed work
8three barriers to communicationStudent completed work
9five emotions shown through non verbal communicationStudent completed work


10listening to and being listened to by othersSummary sheet
11taking part in a range of discussionsSummary sheet
12participating in a range of listening and communication based activities.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 April 2008Level - Entry Level