Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1listen, interpret and follow instructions to complete set team building tasksSummary sheet
2communicate appropriately with othersSummary sheet
3support and encourage othersSummary sheet
4work cooperatively with othersSummary sheet
5identify two new skills he/she has learnt from taking part in outdoor activities, eg spider's web, blind trailSummary sheet
6give others feedback on support given and receivedSummary sheet
7take part in a minimum of three outdoor learning sessions which could include spider's web, blind trail, assault course and low ropes activitiesSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8the main points of three different roles within a teamStudent completed work
9one way of keeping self and peers safe whilst participating in the outdoor learning activitiesStudent completed work
10three key elements of an effective and efficient teamStudent completed work


11taking part in team work necessary to cooperate with othersSummary sheet
12participating in a varied menu of outdoor learning opportunities and environments.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 27 June 2008Level - Entry Level