Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select an appropriately sized potato to bakeSummary sheet
2wash the potato thoroughlySummary sheet
3prick the potato with a fork, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
4pre-set the microwave timerSummary sheet
5cook the potato for an appropriate time period, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
6prick the potato with a fork to test if it is cooked, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
7lay a table for at least one personSummary sheet
8place the potato on a plate, carefully cut it open and garnish, eg with butter, salt and pepper, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
9wash and dry the dishes and cutlery after finishing the mealSummary sheet
10put the dishes and cutlery awaySummary sheet
11follow health and safety procedures throughoutSummary sheet


12preparing at least one filled jacket potato, eg with tuna, beans, cheese or coleslaw.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 February 2003Level - Entry Level