Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify a range of at least ten healthy foods and ten unhealthy foodsSummary sheet
2state three unhealthy ingredients commonly found in processed foodSummary sheet
3communicate a choice, using a consistent preferred method of communication, between a healthy food and an unhealthy foodSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

4at least three effects upon long term health of an unhealthy dietSummary sheet
5at least three effects upon long term health of lack of exerciseSummary sheet
6at least three ways he/she could take exercise in his/her future lifeSummary sheet


7working alongside a partner in teaching sessions where healthy food is being preparedSummary sheet or photograph(s)
8working alongside a partner in teaching sessions where the student is being encouraged to take aerobic exercise.Summary sheet or photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 5 July 2004Level - Entry Level