Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least four examples of personal hygieneStudent completed work
2list at least four personal hygiene procedures which they must carry out every day, eg showering, hair-brushing, face washing, teeth cleaningStudent completed work
3state how often, or on which occasions, these personal hygiene procedures must be carried outStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

4at least two pieces of equipment needed to carry out each of the personal hygiene proceduresStudent completed work
5at least two reasons for carrying out each procedureStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

6at least three physical repercussions of not observing good personal hygieneSummary sheet
7at least three social repercussions of not observing good personal hygieneSummary sheet
8the importance of washing hands to avoid spreading germsStudent completed work


9participating in discussion groups focussing on personal hygiene issues.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 June 2012Level - Entry Level