Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1listen to instructions carefullySummary sheet
2undertake archery in a manner that considers the safety of self and othersSummary sheet
3handle a bow correctly while adopting the correct stanceSummary sheet
4load and shoot an arrow using the correct techniqueSummary sheet
5aim and land arrows into a targetSummary sheet
6retrieve arrows from a target and the ground safelySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7the scoring system and the score values of each area of the targetSummary sheet
8the terminology relating to the parts of a bow and arrow, eg limbs, string, shaft, fletchings, knockSummary sheet
9the main safety rules of archerySummary sheet
10the principles of aiming and hitting a targetSummary sheet


11taking part in an archery session consisting of a full five rounds, each of six arrows.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 15 February 2005Level - Entry Level