Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1how treatment for a graze differs from that of a severe bleedStudent completed work
2what treatment is necessary for a small cutStudent completed work
3what causes a bruiseStudent completed work
4what treatment is necessary for bruisesStudent completed work
5how to stop a nose bleedStudent completed work
6what treatment is advised for a baby who is choking and an older child who is chokingStudent completed work
7two things you should not do when a child is receiving a continuous electric shockStudent completed work
8two things you should do when a child is receiving a continuous electric shockStudent completed work
9how a broken bone is dealt withStudent completed work
10how to remove a foreign body from a child's eye, eg dustStudent completed work
11give two reasons why every effort should be made to prevent children being burntStudent completed work
12the first aid treatment for a minor burn and a bad burnStudent completed work
13when medical advice is required for a stingStudent completed work
14at least two causes of accidental poisoning in young childrenStudent completed work
15what action to take if a child has swallowed something poisonousStudent completed work
16at least five items which should be included in a first aid box.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 June 2011Level - Entry Level