Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1participating in a screening of a filmSummary sheet
2expressing own views and opinionsSummary sheet
3producing own personal film reviewSummary sheet
4receiving personal feedback on the film reviewSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

5participate in the screening of a filmSummary sheet
6contribute at least one idea to a discussion about what could be written in a film reviewSummary sheet
7share own opinion on at least one key aspect of the film, eg the story/plot, main characters, acting ability, impact and relevance of the story to self, as part of a group discussionSummary sheet
8produce a film review in written formatStudent completed work
9identify the genre of the filmStudent completed work
10share at least one observation about the cinematography, atmosphere and mood of the filmStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

11how to summarise a film's basic plot concisely and informativelyStudent completed work
12how to engage the reader with flowing, entertaining and descriptive languageStudent completed work
13how to display a unique voice and individual personality through own writingStudent completed work
14how to share an opinion on a film, explaining reasons and providing an example.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 2 July 2012Level - Level Two