Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1switch on the computer at the hard driveSummary sheet
2identify the internet iconSummary sheet
3double click on the internet iconSummary sheet
4identify the website address iconSummary sheet
5select a website, eg a search engineSummary sheet
6type in a subject to find information onSummary sheet
7click on the search iconSummary sheet
8scroll down the results pageSummary sheet
9click on a result siteSummary sheet
10click on the back icon to return to the previous pageSummary sheet
11click on the forward icon to return to previous viewingSummary sheet
12click on the cross icon to close the internetSummary sheet
13click on the disconnect iconSummary sheet
14shut down the computer.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 31 January 2003Level - Pre-Entry Level