Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1contribute to the design specification process with ideas and suggestions for materialsSummary sheet
2use a steel rule and a try-square to mark off the correct sizes of timberSummary sheet
3use a handsaw or electric jigsaw to cut the timber to correct sizes and/or shapesSummary sheet
4use a plane to smooth any rough edgesSummary sheet
5use a ratchet clamp and bench vice to hold the timber steady whilst workingSummary sheet
6use a hand drill or electric drill as appropriateSummary sheet
7discuss the best way to assemble components, eg using glue, nails, screws, or dowelsSummary sheet
8achieve a smooth finish using plane, wood filler and glasspaperSummary sheet
9apply the desired finish, eg paint or varnishSummary sheet or photograph


10observing safety regulations whilst working in the workshopSummary sheet
11observing particular safety precautions relating to the use of hand-held power toolsSummary sheet
12using tools and construction techniques appropriate to the materials being used.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 September 2005Level - Level One