Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in an Introduction to Youth Leadership training programmeSummary sheet
2attend a minimum of four sessionsSummary sheet
3identify the meaning of leadershipStudent completed work
4identify at least five qualities of a leaderStudent completed work
5identify at least five of own qualities or skillsStudent completed work
6identify at least three skills or qualities they would like to improveStudent completed work
7participate in a group discussion about why it is important to have youth leaders as role modelsSummary sheet
8work as part of a team in a given team work activitySummary sheet
9conduct own research into at least two local services for young peopleStudent completed work
10feedback own findings to the groupSummary sheet
11identify at least four issues to think about when planning an activity for other young people, eg insurance, gender, risk assessment and parental permissionStudent completed work
12evaluate the Introduction to Youth Leadership training programme.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 June 2009Level - Level One