Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1show discipline, focus, objectivity and commitment whilst completing the leadership training programmeSummary sheet
2engage the attending young people and encourage participation of othersSummary sheet
3keep to agreed deadlines, eg when starting and finishing sessionsSummary sheet
4take a lead and use own or direct peer group initiative in delivery of a youth-led sessionSummary sheet
5act as a positive role model to other young peopleSummary sheet
6participate actively in given discussions, activities and role play exercises within the training programmeSummary sheet
7identify and use three active listening techniques, eg open questions, closed questions, promptingSummary sheet
8formulate ideas for and plan a structured 45 minute youth-led session to deliver to others that is recorded on a planning proforma worksheetSummary sheet
9deliver a youth-led sessionSummary sheet
10evaluate a youth-led sessionSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

11at least three different learning styles, eg auditory, visual, kinestheticStudent completed work
12at least three safe working practices and how they apply to a youth-led sessionStudent completed work
13at least three principles of good communication, eg positive body language, appropriate language, appropriate feedbackStudent completed work
14three evaluation techniques, eg evaluation forms, agree/disagree continuum, group discussionStudent completed work
15at least three different methods for delivering a youth-led session, eg creative arts, workshop discussions, dramaStudent completed work
16at least five issues that can be addressed within a youth-led session, eg bullying, self esteem, community cohesion, the media, drug and alcohol misuseStudent completed work
17three responsibilities of a young leaderStudent completed work
18three qualities of an effective young leaderStudent completed work
19the meaning of the term equality and diversityStudent completed work
20the meaning of the term confidentiality when working with a young personStudent completed work
21what documentation and recording systems need to be completed when leading a session with young people, eg registers, sessional recording sheets, evaluation sheetsStudent completed work


22attendance and participation in a young leaders' training programmeSummary sheet
23evaluation of own learning after participation in a young leaders' training programme using a reflection and evaluation worksheet.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 21 July 2011Level - Level Two