Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select and use at least three hand tools appropriate to servicing a car, eg spanner, gauge, jackSummary sheet
2recognise and name at least five main components in a motor vehicle engineSummary sheet
3change the air filterSummary sheet
4wear given appropriate protective wear when carrying out work on motor vehiclesSummary sheet
5follow a given checklist in order to carry out a mock MOT inspection on a motor vehicleSummary sheet
6recognise the correct level of engine oil in a motor vehicleSummary sheet
7recognise the correct level of water in the radiator of a motor vehicleSummary sheet
8recognise the correct level of screen wash in a motor vehicleSummary sheet
9adjust the valve clearance correctlySummary sheet
10change a wheel and inspect the condition of the tyreSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

11the workings of the engine of a given motor vehicleSummary sheet
12the significance of the digits and number on a car number plateSummary sheet
13the general working function and structure of at least three different models of motor vehicleSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

14at least three health and safety issues to consider when working on or around motor vehicles, eg responsible use of tools, use of safety gogglesSummary sheet


15following safe working practices when servicing a car.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 27 February 2009Level - Level One