Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take instruction from the session leader as to the format of the short documentary film project sessionsSummary sheet
2attend at least 80% of the given topic-timetabled documentary film project workshopsSummary sheet
3agree the final format and content of the short documentary filmSummary sheet
4agree own topical contribution to the documentary film from a given selection, eg fashion, music, football, relationships, hobbiesSummary sheet
5listen to and cooperate with other peers within small working group sessionsSummary sheet
6take professional advice and direction during filmingSummary sheet
7agree to and accept being filmed for the documentary, either by themself or as part of a group of two or more individualsSummary sheet


8developing confidence through communication with peers and a wider public audienceSummary sheet
9gaining and developing communicative methods and skillsSummary sheet
10redressing own preconceptionsSummary sheet
11taking part in a short documentary film screened in front of an invited audience.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 July 2008Level - Entry Level