Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1set up a DJ workstation safely, connecting the turntables to the mixer, the mixer to the amplifier and the amplifier to the speakersSummary sheet
2count beats and bars when listening to musicSummary sheet
3identify a tune's tempo and genreSummary sheet
4utilise a mixer's cuing function to create a place to practice mixing two tunes togetherSummary sheet
5find the first beat of a first bar, known as 'the one'Summary sheet
6count a tune's beats and drop the one in time with another first beat of a barSummary sheet
7use speeding and slowing techniques to match the tunes together, with assistance if requiredSummary sheet
8bring in and play the two mixed tunesSummary sheet
9fade a tune out over two bars to finish a mixSummary sheet
10use a stop cut to finish a mixSummary sheet
11use a spin back to finish a mixSummary sheet
12use cutting techniques when mixingSummary sheet
13request a tutor to record him/herself mixing for ten minutesSummary sheet
14request a copy of the recorded mix to be recorded to a CDSummary sheet or student completed work

shown knowledge of

15the five components of the basic DJ sound circuit theory, ie record, needle, mixer, amplifier, speakersSummary sheet
16how to choose and mix at least three music genresSummary sheet
17how to identify and adjust a record's speed using the speeding and slowing theorySummary sheet


18troubleshooting problems arising in the basic DJing sound circuit theorySummary sheet
19successfully mixing music onto a recorded CD.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 22 January 2007Level - Level One