Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1ask for assistance as required, eg to lift the go-kart safely onto the exle standsSummary sheet
2position a go-kart on the axle stands safely and correctlySummary sheet
3check the go-kart is secure and even on all four axle standsSummary sheet
4identify and collect the correct tools of appropriate size, eg a ratchet, a socketSummary sheet
5place the socket correctly on the nut and loosen itSummary sheet
6remove all the four nuts and spacersSummary sheet
7pull the wheel safely off the axleSummary sheet
8check the new wheelSummary sheet
9place the new wheel on the axleSummary sheet
10replace all the four nuts and spacersSummary sheet
11tighten the nuts in the correct order using the socket to the correct tension.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 February 2010Level - Entry Level