Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1assess own and others' safety prior to approaching a severely bleeding casualtySummary sheet
2send for help if appropriateSummary sheet
3take appropriate measures to avoid cross-infection, eg the wearing of glovesSummary sheet
4assess, and monitor the vital signs of the casualtySummary sheet
5ask appropriate questions in order to obtain a history of the accidentSummary sheet
6check the wound for foreign objectsSummary sheet
7apply pressure to the wound effectivelySummary sheet
8raise the limb where appropriateSummary sheet
9ensure that the treatment has been effective in stopping the bleedingSummary sheet
10check the casualty for other relevant factors, eg other injuries, medication, illnessesSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

11the importance of monitoring the vital signs of a severely bleeding casualtySummary sheet
12the recognition, importance, and treatment of medical shockSummary sheet


13all aspects of dealing with a casualty suffering from a serious bleed, as sole first aider in a mock-up scenario.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 26 June 2001Level - Level One