Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1'boulder', ie climb safely at a low level without the use of safety rope and harnessSummary sheet
2traverse along a section of climbing wall at a low levelSummary sheet
3fit and adjust a climbing helmet and safety harness correctlySummary sheet
4attach the safety rope correctly to the harness using a 'figure of 8' knotSummary sheet
5make progress on a higher level climb, ie above two metres, whilst using a safety rope and harnessSummary sheet
6communicate clearly with the belayer whilst climbingSummary sheet
7adopt the correct position whilst being lowered following a climbSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8rules and general safety awareness relating to climbing at the wallSummary sheet


9bouldering, ie. low level climbing without use of safety rope and harnessSummary sheet
10higher level climbing, ie above two metres, using safety rope and harness.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 May 2001Level - Entry Level