Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify an appropriate email client, eg Outlook, Yahoo or HotmailSummary sheet
2open an appropriate email client, eg Outlook, Yahoo or HotmailSummary sheet
3open a blank email message template in order to compose a new messageSummary sheet
4write or select from an address book the email address of the recipient with assistanceSummary sheet
5insert an appropriate subject for the email message, with written or symbol promptSummary sheet
6type an appropriate email message to a friend, family member or member of staff using a modelSummary sheet
7produce a print out of the final message with supportStudent completed work
8send the final message off to the recipientSummary sheet


9using a given email clientSummary sheet
10composing, printing out and sending off own email messageSummary sheet
11recognising at least two icons related to emails, eg new, sendSummary sheet
12participating in a discussion about emailing.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 June 2014Level - Pre-Entry Level