Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify three types of animals typically kept as petsSummary sheet and/or Student completed work
2identify housing requirements for at least two types of pet animalSummary sheet and/or Student completed work
3identify the basic diet for at least two types of pet animalSummary sheet and/or Student completed work
4identify at least three needs of a pet animal which must be met, eg feeding, cleaning, exerciseSummary sheet and/or Student completed work
5identify at least three items of equipment used in the care of a pet animalSummary sheet and/or Student completed work

shown knowledge of

6at least three aspects of pet animal behaviour, eg friendliness, fear, aggressionSummary sheet
7at least three aspects of human behaviour towards pet animals, eg affection, caring, neglectSummary sheet
8at least three factors which constitute responsible pet ownership, eg regular feeding, grooming, exercising.Summary sheet and/or Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 June 2002Level - Entry Level