Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify a safe site for a fireSummary sheet
2recognise three correct sizes of kindling for a fireSummary sheet
3collect the correct amount of each size of kindling required for a fireSummary sheet
4arrange the kindling in the best way to aid combustionSummary sheet
5use a fire steel safely to light a fireSummary sheet
6tend the fire by adding fuel and/or gently blowing on the embers as necessarySummary sheet
7extinguish the fire using an appropriate method, eg quenching with water, soil or sand, covering with a fire blanketSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8three risks of poorly siting a fire, in relation to surroundingsSummary sheet
9three risks to themself and to the immediate environment associated with fire lightingSummary sheet
10the correct procedures to follow in the event of someone receiving a burnSummary sheet
11three dangers of using a fire steel inappropriatelySummary sheet


12watching a teacher demonstration of using a fire steel for fire lightingSummary sheet
13watching a teacher demonstration of how to extinguish a fire.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 July 2009Level - Entry Level