Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1select appropriate tools required for the jobSummary sheet
2remove the rocker cover, the valve timing belt/chain and the cylinder headSummary sheet
3turn the engine upside downSummary sheet
4remove the sump, the big end bearing caps and bearingsSummary sheet
5remove the pistons and store them in the correct sequenceSummary sheet
6remove the crank shaft main journal capsSummary sheet
7remove the crank shaft from the cylinder blockSummary sheet
8inspect all components for wear and tear in consultation with the tutorSummary sheet
9re-fit the crank shaft ensuring that the main journal caps are in the correct orientation and orderSummary sheet
10consult the appropriate workshop manual to determine the correct torque setting and using a correctly set torque wrench torque the retaining bolts to the correct torqueSummary sheet
11refit the pistons in the correct order using a piston ring compressorSummary sheet
12refit the big end bearings ensuring that the bearing caps are in the correct orientation and orderSummary sheet
13consult the appropriate workshop manual to determine the correct torque setting and using a correctly set torque wrench torque bearing caps bolts to the correct torqueSummary sheet
14check that the crankshaft turns smoothly by rotating it by handSummary sheet
15refit the sump and torque to the correct settingSummary sheet
16turn the engine back up the correct waySummary sheet
17refit the cylinder head and consult the appropriate workshop manual to determine the correct torque settingSummary sheet
18use a torque wrench torque retaining bolts to the correct torqueSummary sheet
19set the crank shaft and cam pulleys/sockets to their correct settingsSummary sheet
20refit the valve timing belt/chain to their correct settingsSummary sheet
21slowly turn the crank shaft ensuring that all the valves open and close in the correct sequence in consultation with the tutorSummary sheet
22refit the rocker cover and consult the appropriate workshop manual to determine the correct torque settingSummary sheet
23use a torque wrench torque retaining bolts to the correct torqueSummary sheet


24watching a teacher demonstration of removing inspecting and refitting parts of a stand mounted engineSummary sheet
25using specialist hand and machine toolsSummary sheet
26the health and safety aspects of this activity.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 November 2007Level - Level One