Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1design a clock face to be made in acrylic plasticStudent completed work
2draw a plan giving essential measurementsStudent completed work
3transfer the design onto the plasticSummary sheet
4cut the plastic using the appropriate tools, eg fretsaw, coping sawSummary sheet
5shape the plastic using the appropriate tools, eg band facer, filemaster, smooth fileSummary sheet
6create a high polish on the edges using wet and dry papers and metal polishSummary sheet
7use a hand drill to produce holes specified in the designSummary sheet
8apply hour markers using the methods specified in the design, eg Tensol 12 cement, self adhesive polyvinylchlorideSummary sheet
9fit a quartz movement to the clock faceSummary sheet
10test the clockSummary sheet
11produce a reasoned evaluation of the design and the clockStudent completed work


12working safely in a workshop situation.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 5 March 1999Level - Entry Level