Unit Award Scheme

80642 DRINKS (UNIT 3): TEA

In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1making tea for at least two people using an electric kettle and a teapot, with due regard for safetySummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

2fill the kettle with cold water to the appropriate levelSummary sheet
3place the kettle plug into the wall socketSummary sheet
4switch on at the socketSummary sheet
5switch on at the kettleSummary sheet
6add one tea bag per cup required to the teapotSummary sheet
7recognise when the kettle has boiledSummary sheet
8switch off the plug at the socketSummary sheet
9remove the plug from the wall socketSummary sheet
10remove the electric flexSummary sheet
11pour the boiling water into the teapotSummary sheet
12provide milk and sugarSummary sheet
13pour the tea into cupsSummary sheet
14recognise when the tea is ready to be pouredSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

15the danger in pouring boiling waterSummary sheet
16the danger when using electricity.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 February 1998Level - Entry Level