Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1attend at least 90% of street dance classes punctuallySummary sheet
2take part in a 15 minute warm-up sessionSummary sheet
3learn two new dance movesSummary sheet
4choreograph a 12 to 15 minute original dance piece as a member of a group with a clear beginning, middle and end, using different speeds and levels, eg high, medium and floorSummary sheet
5perform own choreographed dance piece to the session leaderSummary sheet
6take part in a 15 minute post-session cool down sessionSummary sheet
7take part in a recorded rehearsal of the final performance dance pieceSummary sheet
8attend a post-performance evaluation sessionSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9the influence of body weight on dance movementsSummary sheet
10the reasons for appropriate warm up and cool down sessions before and after dancingSummary sheet
11at least three stages of the creative process, eg developing a theme-based idea, following a consistent rehearsal regime, forming an active support network throughout the course of the sessionsSummary sheet


12creating an original piece of choreographed street dance.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 September 2010Level - Entry Level