Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1attend at least four arts and crafts sessionsSummary sheet
2discuss own ideas for three original art or craft pieces with the tutorSummary sheet
3prepare the chosen mediums for use, if necessarySummary sheet
4use given tools, equipment and materials appropriately in order to create arts or craft pieces, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
5manage own time in order to complete three original art or craft piecesSummary sheet
6take part in the clean-up processSummary sheet
7put forward constructive critique on one final piece of at least one other member of the session groupSummary sheet
8reflect on and evaluate own final pieces, as part of a discussion with the tutorSummary sheet
9take part in a discussion with the tutor on how best own completed art or craft pieces could be displayedSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10which tools and equipment, from a given selection, are appropriate for use with chosen art or craft mediumsSummary sheet
11health and safety regulations when working with art and craft materials.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 June 2012Level - Level One