Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1taking part in discussions about what he/she thinks project planning will involveTeacher completed checklist

demonstrated the ability to

2define the scope of his/her project by including at least three items that are included and two items that are not includedStudent produced basic project plan
3identify at least one deliverable and two outputs of the projectStudent produced basic project plan
4identify two risks to the delivery of the project and identify a back up plan to resolve any issues that may ariseStudent produced basic project plan
5monitor progress of the project by having regular one to one catch ups with the project coordinator and by updating the project plan with any changes to the scope, deliverables and outputsTeacher completed checklist or Student produced basic project plan

shown knowledge of

6at least four factors which should be included in the project plan including scope of project, deliverables, outputs and risks to deliveryStudent produced basic project plan
7how to produce a working project plan for his/her project.Student produced basic project plan

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 18 November 2013Level - Entry Level