Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1taking part in a discussion about what could go wrong in the process for a young person involved in the commissioning process and how a young commissioner may feel at each stageSummary sheet
2developing a set of assessment criteria and using it in the commissioning process, eg Is the service welcoming and is the service accessible?Summary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

3identify two different assessment techniques that can be used in the commissioning process in order to test an organisation or local serviceSummary sheet
4take part in a discussion about personal judgements and what could influence people's feelings, when taking part in the commissioning processSummary sheet
5take part in an activity to highlight fair and unfair judgements about another person and why they were fair or unfair in own opinion, eg interviewing staffSummary sheet
6identify one consultation technique that works well and one that does not work so wellSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7how organisations or local services get commissioned in the local areaSummary sheet
8the commissioning process and how it can be made better or worse, in own opinionSummary sheet
9why it is good to consult with young people before services are commissioned, in own opinion.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 July 2013Level - Entry Level