Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1attend punctually at least 70% of street dance classesSummary sheet
2listen to and complete tasks as instructed by the tutorSummary sheet
3take part in a 10 to 15 minute warm-up sessionSummary sheet
4learn a set piece of street dance choreographySummary sheet
5show appropriate body control, ie in terms of balance, spatial awareness and form, when applying learned street dance movesSummary sheet
6take part in an appropriate cool down session at the end of the street dance sessionSummary sheet
7take part in an end-of-project dance show, performing to an audienceSummary sheet
8take part in a post-performance review sessionSummary sheet
9put forward at least one appropriate suggestion for improving the projectSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10at least three ways of demonstrating good practice when working with others learning choreography, developing dance moves and taking part in a street dance performance to an audience, eg motivating others, collaborating as an effective working group and committing to completion of the projectSummary sheet


11learning a piece of street dance choreographySummary sheet
12taking part in a street dance performance to an audienceSummary sheet
13participating in a street dance residential project for a minimum of two nights.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 21 January 2014Level - Level One