Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1complete an application form to become a peer mentorStudent completed work
2be interviewed for a position as a peer mentorSummary sheet
3commit to and complete all training to be a peer mentorSummary sheet
4participate actively in all given discussions, activities and role play exercises whilst taking part in the trainingSummary sheet
5use at least two appropriate questioning techniques, ie open, closedSummary sheet
6identify and use at least three active listening skills, eg reflecting, paraphrasing, body languageSummary sheet
7identify at least two potential blocks to listeningSummary sheet
8contribute positively to the year 7 induction week for newly transferred studentsSummary sheet
9raise the awareness of peer mentoring through assemblies, posters and liaising with KS3 form teachersSummary sheet
10implement the acquired peer mentoring skills on at least two occassions with a younger studentStudent completed work
11maintain records of any contactStudent completed work
12attend supervision sessions as requiredSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

13what makes a good peer mentorSummary sheet
14the role of a peer mentor in a schoolSummary sheet
15what information can be treated as confidential and what should be sharedSummary sheet
16how to empower others to make informed choices about their lives.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 29 January 2010Level - Level One