Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1commit to a film making training programmeSummary sheet
2watch a series of given cinema clips and participate in a group discussion about the clips as guided by the tutorSummary sheet
3use at least three basic functions of a given video camera, eg on, zoon, pauseSummary sheet
4work as part of a group to discuss potential ideas for a short filmSummary sheet
5work with at least one person to produce a storyboard for a short filmSummary sheet
6work with at least one person to develop the storyboard ideas into a short filmSummary sheet
7work with at least one person to write a script for the filmSummary sheet
8work with at least one other person to develop a camera set up planSummary sheet
9direct at least one part of the filmSummary sheet
10use a video camera to shoot at least one part of the filmSummary sheet
11use editing software to edit at least one part of the filmSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12at least two health and safety issues to be considered when making a filmSummary sheet


13contributing to the production of a short film.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 October 2010Level - Entry Level