Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1use a professional kitchen and at least five tools or pieces of equipment safely and hygienicallySummary sheet
2discuss at least three principles of food hygiene, eg importance of having clean surfaces, clear up spillagesSummary sheet
3prepare and cook cup cakes by following a recipe and instructionsSummary sheet
4prepare and cook an omelette and turn it out onto a plate to serveSummary sheet
5prepare and cook a simple meal using a minimum of three ingredientsSummary sheet
6identify at least five potential hazards in a kitchenStudent completed work
7leave the kitchen area in a safe, tidy and hygienic stateSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8at least three principles of kitchen hygiene, eg the use of protective clothing, cleaning as you go, storing food correctlySummary sheet


9cooking in a kitchen and working to a tight deadlineSummary sheet
10taking part in a discussion on different cooking methods.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 22 January 2013Level - Level One