Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1commit to a six-week health and fitness programmeSummary sheet
2identify own goals or targets for the fitness programmeStudent completed work
3work with a fitness instructor to devise own fitness programmeStudent completed work
4attend a minimum of six gym sessionsSummary sheet
5select a suitable weight when using each piece of equipmentSummary sheet
6select an appropriate number of sets and repetitions for a given programmeSummary sheet
7work safely in the fitness roomSummary sheet
8keep a record of own fitness programmeStudent completed work


9using at least five pieces of equipment to suit personal fitness needs and abilitiesSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

10identify at least three exercises for cardiovascular workout and correctly set the equipment for each exerciseSummary sheet
11identify at least three muscle groups and identify an appropriate exercise for each oneSummary sheet
12perform an appropriate warm up before each gym workoutSummary sheet
13perform an appropriate cool down after each gym workoutSummary sheet
14identify the different components of fitness by completing a given fitness worksheetStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

15the importance of warming up before a workoutStudent completed work
16the importance of cooling down after a workoutStudent completed work
17the importance of stretchingSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

18attend three nutrition workshopsSummary sheet
19identify three different food groups, eg proteins, carbohydrates, fatsStudent completed work
20identify the impact of each food group on the body, eg carbohydrate for energyStudent completed work
21identify a food for each group, eg potatoes contain carbohydrateStudent completed work
22complete a food intake record for one weekStudent completed work
23plan four healthy snacks to support own fitness regimeStudent completed work
24complete a given nutrition quizStudent completed work
25review own progress with a fitness instructor at the end of the six week programmeSummary sheet
26identify own health and fitness goals for the future.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 June 2010Level - Level One