Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1prepare and cook two complex recipes with ten or more ingredientsSummary sheet
2apply basic food hygiene procedures in the kitchenSummary sheet
3work co-operatively as part of a teamSummary sheet
4follow basic instructions, eg in a written recipeSummary sheet
5work independently in the kitchenSummary sheet
6be responsible for cleaning and maintaining knives, chopping boards and work surfacesSummary sheet
7evaluate either written or orally, a final dish and own performance in the kitchenStudent completed work or summary sheet
8use a grater, peeler and sharp knife appropriatelySummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

9the versatility of at least two basic ingredients, eg using eggs in a variety of different ways, like in cake making, pasta and an omeletteSummary sheet
10basic food hygiene procedure including preparing, using and storing food safely, eg cooked and uncooked meatStudent completed work
11basic nutritional values of at least two food groups, eg protein, carbohydratesStudent completed work
12basic healthy eating guidelines including fresh fruit and vegetables within the daily diet.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 January 2011Level - Level One