Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in a music production skills and techniques courseSummary sheet
2set up and use the basic functions of a-midi keyboardSummary sheet
3set up and use the basic functions of a computer-based music production software packageSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

4the importance of being creative and open-minded when producing musicSummary sheet
5how a piece of music is structuredSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

6cut a sample from a piece of musicSummary sheet
7construct and record own beatSummary sheet
8construct and record own melodySummary sheet
9construct and record own harmonySummary sheet
10use the pattern controller and sequencerSummary sheet
11arrange own constructed sounds to produce own original piece of musicSummary sheet
12save own track to CD, tape or minidiskSummary sheet


13composing and recording own original piece of music using music software.Summary sheet or student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 July 2011Level - Entry Level