Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1communicate effectively with others using active listening skillsSummary sheet
2intervene positively in at least three challenging scenariosSummary sheet
3build and maintain positive relationships with other young peopleSummary sheet
4work alongside peers offering support and sharing good practiceSummary sheet
5adhere to a group agreed contractSummary sheet
6focus on and actively participate in all given tasks and activitiesSummary sheet
7offer guidance through directing young people to relevant agencies and servicesSummary sheet
8self reflect in order to identify strengths and areas for developmentSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9at least four different services available for young people in the local areaSummary sheet
10the four different categories of child abuseSummary sheet
11how to report an issue of concern or disclosure related to child protectionSummary sheet


12working with a group of previously unknown peopleSummary sheet
13working in a group to negotiate and agree a behaviour contract for that groupSummary sheet
14working alongside professionals to try and support young peopleSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

15the purpose of youth workSummary sheet
16the role and responsibilities involved in being a volunteerSummary sheet
17how the values and previous life experience of the peer mentor affects volunteering with young peopleSummary sheet
18personal and professional boundaries involved in volunteering with young peopleSummary sheet
19their own strengths and interests and how these impact on the way that they volunteerSummary sheet
20verbal and non-verbal communication and how these impact on own interaction with others.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 21 July 2011Level - Level Two