Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1work as a member of a group and contribute to discussions around different aspects of babysittingSummary sheet
2identify three qualities required to be a good babysitterSummary sheet
3change a nappySummary sheet
4manage own booking system for babysittingSummary sheet
5negotiate an hourly rate of pay with a child's parents or carersSummary sheet
6complete a simulated babysitting exercise with a virtual babySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7how to carry out a risk assessment of at least two different environments whilst babysittingSummary sheet
8three aspects of health and safety required whilst babysittingSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

9at least two needs of a baby, a toddler and an older child and how to respond to each needSummary sheet
10two legal issues related to babysittingSummary sheet
11how to handle two challenging situations whilst babysittingSummary sheet
12at least two factors that need to be taken into account when babysitting for a child with an additional need, eg an allergySummary sheet
13three safeguarding issues that may arise whilst babysitting, eg unusual bruising on a childSummary sheet


14using at least two pieces of baby-related equipment.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 4 October 2010Level - Entry Level